API Reference


Cancellable promise - Promise that can be canceled


constructor (resolver: Function|Promise, finalizer: ?Function = null) => CancellablePromise

Param Type Description Default
resolver Function|Promise|Object promise resolver or promise-like value
finalizer ?Function finalizer null



then (onFulfull: Function, onReject: ?Function) => CancellablePromise

refer to the Promise.prototype.then specification


catch (onReject: ?Function) => CancellablePromise

refer to the Promise.prototype.catch specification


cancel () => Promise

Cancel this promise, the promise will not be interrupted by this call but the result (or error) of it will be muted

Returns Promise

cancellation result


cancellable (task: Promise|AsyncFunction|Object, finalizer: ?Function = null, fineGrained: boolean = true) => CancellablePromise

Create cancellable task

Param Type Description Default
task Promise|AsyncFunction|Object task to make cancellable
finalizer ?Function finalizer to call after cancel null
fineGained boolean supply "grain" function to the given task, if the task has a type of AsyncFunction true

Returns CancellablePromise

cancellable promise


interruptible (task: Promise|AsyncFunction|Object, finalizer: ?Function = null, fineGrained: boolean = true) => CancellablePromise

Create interruptible task

Param Type Description Default
task Promise|AsyncFunction|Object task to make interruptible
finalizer ?Function finalizer to call after cancel null
fineGained boolean supply "grain" function to the given task, if the task has a type of AsyncFunction true

Returns CancellablePromise

cancellable promise


coroutine (generator: Generator Function, finalizer: ?Function = null, fineGrained: boolean = true) => CancellablePromise

Create cancellable promise from generator that yields other promises

Param Type Description Default
generator Generator Function generator to make cancellable
finalizer ?Function finalizer to call after cancel null
fineGained boolean stop iteration on cancel or not true

Returns CancellablePromise

cancellable promise


compose (promise: Promise|Object) => Promise

Wraps a promise into another to safely return it from async functions, then methods and resolvers. Stops javascript from performing automatic chaining

Param Type Description Default
promise Promise|Object any value to wrap

Returns Promise

wrapped promise


decompose (promise: Object) => Promise

Handler to unwrap a value previously wrapped with compose

Param Type Description Default
promise Promise|Object wrapped value

Returns Promise

unwrapped promise

results matching ""

    No results matching ""